
  • 主题送花
  • 2024年12月14日
  • 1月17日生日花:银莲花,银莲花的寓意是期待。自古以来,教会便将圣人与特定的花朵相连,这源于在纪念圣人的时候,用盛开的花点缀祭坛。在中世纪的天主教修道院里,种植各种各样的植物,形成了所谓的“花历”。366天中的每个圣人都被赋予不同的花朵。银莲花是祭祀修道院生活之父圣安特尼的特殊植物,一种结实、多年生草本植物,从法国到希腊克雷特岛都可见到,它尤其常见于橄榄园中,是野生的特别多。



1月17日生日花-银莲花,silver lily flower, silver lily flower meaning: expectation. Silver lily is the Greek word for "wind". It's an annual herbaceous plant that grows from 10 to 20 centimeters tall. When it blooms, its adorable flowers sway in the wind, as if eagerly waiting for something. So its flower language is "expectation". Those who are blessed with this flower on their birthday are romantic and love to dream big. However, they also need to understand that reality isn't always so beautiful.

In medieval times, monasteries were like gardens of Eden where various plants thrived under Mediterranean climates. The tradition of linking saints with specific flowers was born out of decorating altars during saintly commemorations. Saint Anthony, known as the patron saint of lost things and travelers, had a special connection with silver lilies.

The silver lily symbolizes hope and anticipation - much like those born on January 17th who embody these qualities in their own way. Whether you're a hopeless romantic or someone who dreams big but keeps feet grounded in reality, your birth flower holds a special significance that can guide you through life's journey.

So here's to embracing your inner silver lily - may it inspire you to chase your dreams while keeping your feet firmly planted on earth!