
  • 对象送花
  • 2024年11月27日
  • 在这篇文章中,我不仅分享了我对开一家花店的梦想,还讲述了我如何将这个梦想转化为现实,并且在这个过程中学习到了许多关于花艺和经营技巧。我的故事就像是一束精心挑选的鲜花,带给你无尽的遐想和憧憬。 每个女孩都有一个公主梦,每个女孩都希望有一天能够开一家自己的花店。我也不例外。在高中时期,我阅读三毛的《梦里花落知多少》时,就对自己许下了三个愿望:一次看张学友演唱会,去年一次说走就走的小旅行




17岁少女的心灵深处,有一种渴望,那是与自然、生命、爱情相通的一种感悟。我想要把这份感悟传递出去,让每个人都能感受到那份纯净和真挚。所以,如果我有间花店,我愿意用心去选择每一朵鲜 花,用它们来装饰我的小空间,让每一个经过这里的人都能看到那份温暖与美好。

如果我有间 flower shop, I would like to share my story with you. It's a story about how I turned my dream of opening a flower shop into reality and what I learned along the way. My journey is like a bouquet of carefully selected flowers, bringing you endless imagination and longing.

Every girl has her own princess dream, every girl wants to open her own flower shop. I'm no exception. In high school, while reading Three's "Dreams in the Rainy Night," I made three wishes for myself: once to watch Zhang Ziyi perform live, twice to go on spontaneous solo trips each year, and finally to open my own small flower shop one day. This is a simple yet poetic place where one can appreciate the beauty around them and enjoy life itself.

At 17 years old, there's an intense desire within me that connects me with nature, life itself and love. The desire is pure and true; it's something that should be shared with others so they can feel it too - this purity of heart! So if I had a flower shop then...