
  • 对象送花
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 我,北风,为你吹走了过去的尘埃;我,雪花,为你带来了纯净无暇的世界;冬至到来,我为你带来了新的阳光与温暖;春天将至,你将拥抱好事连连,梦想成真,好运永远伴随。冬至快乐!春分最美是亭亭玉立的玉兰花,夏至最美是郁郁葱葱的林木茂盛,秋分最美是绚烂多姿的红叶飘落,而冬至最美则是热气腾腾、香味四溢的小吃。愿你的冬至饺子上佳运程满载,无边快乐!百花开放而春日到来,百川汇聚而夏日炎炎,百草黄金而秋风送爽




当知风知雨知时节,我们也应随着季节变化调整自己。在平安府里过一个平安夜,与圣雪华年一起迎接新的一年。这是一个岁末年初,我们可以预祝三个重要节日——冬至、圣诞及元旦——都能如期而来,在这洋溢着喜庆气氛中的每个瞬间,为您提前致以良好的祝愿。winter, the snowflakes dance in the air, and I send you my warmest wishes. May your heart be filled with joy and your life be blessed with good fortune.

In this season of cold winds and snowy landscapes, let us come together to share our love and warmth. Just as the earth is blanketed with a layer of snow, so too may our hearts be covered in a blanket of happiness. Let us cherish each other's company during this winter season, for it is in these moments that we truly experience the beauty of friendship.

As we celebrate this winter solstice together, may our bond grow stronger and our spirits remain high. May we continue to support one another through thick and thin, just as the trees stand tall against the harsh winds. And when spring arrives once more, let us emerge from this cold winter like buds bursting forth into bloom.

So here's to you on this special day - may your heart be filled with joy, your life blessed with good fortune, and your spirit warmed by the love that surrounds you. Winter or not,

Happy Winter Solstice!