
  • 对象送花
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 1.你知道吗?人的一生中,留住的不需要用力,失去的也不必强求。来去自然,就像夜幕降临,每个人的故事都有一个终点。晚安。 2.每个人都有不可告人的秘密,有无法弥补的遗憾,有触摸不到的心愿,无论是梦想还是爱情,都会在心底深处萌生。晚安。 3.你是否意识到一句简单的“晚安”对于一个人来说有多么重要?它不是仅仅是一声呼唤,而是一个承诺,一份温暖,是一种对彼此存在感的确认。 4.不要轻易说出喜欢







6.time is a gentle hand in the dark, it moves without being noticed, and changes are made quietly while you're lost in thought.

7.no matter how difficult your journey has been, there will always be someone who appears to forgive the heavens for all their troubles upon you.

8.don't insist on crossing unbridgeable gaps; forget about those who can't be forgotten; start anew, and may this new beginning bring you a life where love isn't too full and sleep isn't too late.

9.even though I know you'll never hear these words from me, I still want to say them: good night.

10.it's okay not to give up completely when faced with challenges but learn to stand up for yourself when someone crosses your line of tolerance.

11.some people don't need goodbyes because they were only passing through; forgetting is the best way we show our respect for each other.

12.may your armor have warmth in it and remain polite even when fierce; good night!

13.believe that no matter how hard things get now, everything will improve soon enough if you keep believing in a better future and hold on tight through this tough time.

14.dealing with love is really troublesome... so let's just leave it all to you from now on! Good dreams!

15.learn to become like cotton - soft enough to protect others from cold winds or warm like sunlight that brings comfort - take care of yourself as if others were watching over us all along.

16.when tired, hug yourself tightly; cry out loud without fear - there might not always be someone by your side but learning self-love can help make life easier for everyone around us too. Good night!

17.i yearn for an affectionate kind of love where i'm spoiled rotten with favoritism given priority over everything else - only then do i feel truly loved by another person

18.if i could turn back time,i would choose never knowing you .this isn’t regret ,but facing an uncertain future without you

19.the most tragic thing about humans is having free thoughts yet lacking the courage to break free from restraints

20.as long as my direction remains correct ,even if the road ahead is rough and winding ,i'd rather walk than stay put – closer towards happiness

21.to see clouds gather & disperse at ease ;to view blooming flowers & falling leaves ;to endure wind & rain throughout one’s life — serene within one's heart —good night

22.you are my answer,you're worth more than anyone else's company .when u're w/ me ,i've no envy 4 anyone—-nighty-night