
  • 对象送花
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 1.你知道吗?在这人生旅途中,有些事物留不住,却也无需强求;有些缘分来去自如,强求只会徒劳。晚安! 2.每个人都有自己的秘密,无论是过去的遗憾还是未来的梦想,都隐藏在心底深处,触不可及而又无法忘怀。晚安! 3.你知道吗?你的一个“晚安”对另一个人来说可能意味着世界间的一缕温暖。 4.喜欢我这种人,你可真幸运,但别以为空手套白狼就能轻易得到我。晚安。 5.爱是一种傻气,它护短、互道晚安







6.time is a gentle hand in the dark, moving stars and planets without notice, just as you are lost in thought for a moment.


8.overcome the obstacles that cannot be crossed, forget about those who cannot be forgotten; may your future self not love too much and sleep late enough.

9.dear night, even though I know you will never hear it.

10.you can endure, but not to the point of no return; learn to fight back when someone crosses your bottom line. Late at night,

11.some people don't need goodbyes because they only passed each other; forgetting is our best memory of each other.

12.may you have a warm heart and courage like armor; may you be fierce yet polite.

13.believe in yourself and persevere through this difficult time; everything will get better eventually.

14.dating is so troublesome... from now on it's up to you!

15.learn to hug yourself when tired, comfort yourself when crying; always have someone by your side who cares about you - learn to love yourself.

16.I want my love to be pampered, biased towards me first choice exception-only then can I feel truly loved

17.if i could go back in time,i would choose not knowing you.it's not regret,it's facing an unknown future without you

18.the most tragic thing about humans is having free thoughts but lacking the courage to break free from constraints

19.no matter how tough the road ahead maybe as long as the direction is right even if it's bumpy don't stand still more than ever closer happiness