
  • 对象送花
  • 2025年03月18日
  • 作品名称:百鬼·鬼 作品分类:版画 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:17×17cm 作品材质:石版 作品描述 书籍整体设计与插图作品阐述:源自先民对大自然和未知世界的恐惧心理下产生的幻觉和想象,造就的千年绘卷《百鬼夜行》。与经典妖怪绘卷不同,这里没有千奇百怪的妖怪出现,但却有通往妖怪模样的线索。书籍采用简洁的纸张和装订,突出内容里妖怪的每一个故事








书籍整体设计与插图作品阐述:源自先民对大自然和未知世界的恐惧心理下产生的幻觉和想象,造就的千年绘卷《百鬼夜行》。与经典妖怪绘卷不同,这里没有千奇百怪的妖怪出现,但却有通往妖怪模样的线索。书籍采用简洁的纸张和装订,突出内容里妖怪的每一个故事。用一张满版黑色石版画封面带给观者对这本书里的神秘故事与传说的好奇。从而有了打开这本书去契机。每一页妖怪内容包括文字说明都是用石版绘制,石版画是一种另画面更多细节更有重量的媒介,让每一页都是独一无二的艺术品,独一无二的故事。重新制作日本妖怪绘师鸟山石燕的《百鬼夜行》,妖怪本身的故事不变,但与鸟山石燕的浮世绘不同,用石版画并用砂目技法绘制,换了一个版种,换了一种画法,换了一种表达来表现同一个故事。通过联系原作中的妖怪与现实中的物品,用动物,古物等元素间接隐晦的再现了妖怪的故事,而这种暗示的内容用石版画细腻写实的呈现出来,让内容上和画面上多了一层意味和对比。独一无二的石版砂目技法绘制的画与石版油底技法印制的文字结合阅读。最后在每一个观众的脑海里呈现了独一无二的妖怪形象联想。Hand book:From the illusion and imagination of nature and the ancestors of the unknown world of fear, created by the Millennium scrolls ghost night. Different from the classic monster scrolls, there is no monster but appear all sorts of strange things, leading to the appearance of the monster clues. Each page of content including text monsters are stone drawing, lithograph is a picture of the other more details more weight of the media, so that each page is the one and only works of art, the story of the one and only. To make the Japanese monster artist Toriyama sekiens ghost night, the monster story itself unchanged, but with Toriyama sekien Ukiyo-e, stone engraving, another version, another painting, another expression of the same story. The monster in contact with reality in the original articles, animal, antiquities elements such as indirect obscure reproduction of the story of the monster, and this implies that the contents of the lithograph exquisite realistic picture, so that the contents of the picture and a layer of meaning and contrast. Painting and stone tablets of the one and only with text reading. Finally, in each audiences mind presents the unique monster image association.招贴设计作品阐述:日本古老传说里,百鬼夜行是一盛大的妖怪宴会,古老的信仰流传至今,成为饱含奇幻,神异,夸张,美丽,恐怖的妖怪文化。文字图形里参杂着妖怪的名称,外貌特征,环境情景,联系标志,让鬼气充斥着这个文字,给这个名称赋予了故事与生命力。Poster Design:Ancient Japanese legend, ghost night is a grand banquet monster, ancient religion spread so far, be full of fantasy, mystery, exaggeration, beautiful, scary monster culture. The text graphics mixed with the monster name, physical characteristics, environmental situation, contact mark, let the ghost filled with the text, the name given to the story and vitality.



郭小端,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 造型艺术学院版画系