
  • 对象送花
  • 2025年03月19日
  • 为什么坐在鸡上写作业会如此痛苦? 在一个宁静的乡村里,有一群孩子们每天都会有相同的经历,那就是坐在鸡上写作业。这个场景看起来既可笑又有些荒谬,因为谁会想到用鸡作为书桌呢?但对于这些孩子们来说,鸡背上的写作日记已经成为了他们日常生活的一部分。 为什么要选择鸡? 首先,这些孩子们住在农村,他们家的条件并不富裕。家中没有足够的空间来设置一个固定的书桌,因此他们不得不想出一些创意性的解决方案





首先,这些孩子们住在农村,他们家的条件并不富裕。家中没有足够的空间来设置一个固定的书桌,因此他们不得不想出一些创意性的解决方案。使用鸡背作为书桌似乎是一个不可思议的主意,但实际上,它是非常实用的。 chickens are abundant in the countryside, and they are relatively easy to train. The children would feed them treats while sitting on their backs, and soon enough, the chickens learned to associate the presence of children with food.

What is it like to sit on a chicken?

Sitting on a chicken for the first time can be quite an experience. At first glance, it may seem uncomfortable or even painful. The feathers beneath you feel coarse and prickly, while the bones beneath that are surprisingly hard. But as you settle into your new perch, you begin to notice something peculiar – the warmth emanating from your feathered companion's back seems almost soothing.

How do chickens react?

The reaction of the chickens is perhaps one of the most fascinating aspects of this unusual practice. At first, they might squawk in surprise or protest at having someone sitting on them. However, after some time has passed and they have grown accustomed to their new role as makeshift bookshelves, many chickens seem rather content with their task.

Is there any benefit?

While it may not be immediately apparent how writing homework could possibly improve anyone's life let alone those who write it perched upon a bird's back), there are several benefits associated with this practice. For one thing, using a chicken as a desk requires patience and persistence – qualities essential for success in academics or otherwise.

Can watching others make it look easier help alleviate pain?

For those who find themselves struggling through their own homework sessions atop fowl friends' backsides (or simply watching others do so online), observing others navigate these challenges can indeed provide solace when faced with discomforts similar in nature but different in degree – i.e., "watching" another person make sitting-on-a-chicken look effortlessly comfortable via video footage shared online might bring about relief knowing that others endure such hardships too; thus lessening feelings of isolation within one's own struggles)
