
  • 花语故事
  • 2025年02月14日
  • 在南京工艺美术大师朱江龙的个人陶艺工作室里,昨天,他为本报读者制作了一把紫砂壶。这整个过程,精细到令人叫绝。15年前,朱江龙购买了几十吨紫砂泥,这些泥料一直存放在当地,每次要做壶时就去取一些。“因紫砂泥开采无序,品质已不如从前,所以事先购买的这批泥,显得很珍贵。”只见朱江龙将一块砖头模样的泥块切成三块,一块做底,一块做壶的周边,一块做盖子,然后他采用“拍打法”来制作壶身,这是一种古老的传统技艺





虽然市场行情看好,但面对市场众多藏品,藏友如何才能挑选一把有投资价值的紫砂壶呢?收藏家张先生表示,一般需要从“泥”、“形”、“工”、“款”等方面着眼去考虑。“ mud" is the fundamental value of purple sand tea sets, and only those made from pure Yixing purple sand have practical use, investment, and collection value. The shape of purple sand tea sets in existence is most abundant, with traditional shapes having more significance for collection and potential for appreciation.

When it comes to the "knee", it's usually to identify who the author is or who wrote the poem or carved the seal. Additionally, appreciating the content of inscriptions, calligraphy or printing on ceramics can also be considered. In short, a good purple sand tea set should not only meet artistic standards but also pay attention to craftsmanship such as flow lines (the way liquid flows through a spout), handles (how easy it is to hold), buttons (the lid) etc.

However, ordinary investors need to be cautious when participating in collecting and investing in these art pieces. Many people mistakenly believe that any colored soil can be used as a substitute for Yixing purple sand clay; they buy based on color alone without considering its authenticity. Similarly, some collectors believe that older tea sets are better than newer ones; they specifically collect old pottery pieces.

Nowadays there are many counterfeits available on the market where fake makers make an attempt by making surface appearance appear like aged objects giving them an ancient look. However true assessment lies in art value rather than age alone. Ordinary investors should seek expert advice before investing while investing within their means.

Lastly no matter whether one prefers traditional or modern designs of this type of ceramicware lineages aesthetic preference has certain rules which say "energy dynamic" can serve as criteria for assessing aesthetics of teapots' shape - another principle often mentioned in book appraisal studies.

As for many people's emphasis on exterior and interior printing marks ("knee") against these teapots regarding authentication - none are primary indicators! While easier recognizable than form & technique but most easily forged too! Therefore master craftsmen must first grasp recognition laws governing earth materials & craftsmanship techniques so avoid seeking authenticity solely via recognizing printed marks which prove unproductive endeavors indeed!