
  • 花语故事
  • 2025年02月22日
  • 探究病房花卉赠送文化:其对患者心理健康影响的学术研究 一、引言 在现代医疗体系中,医院不仅是治疗疾病的场所,也成为了人们情感交流和心理慰藉的重要平台。花卉作为一种传统的礼物形式,在医院环境中扮演着特殊角色,它不仅能够提升患者的心理状态,还能促进医患关系的和谐。因此,本文旨在探讨看病人送什么花,以及这种行为背后的文化含义,并分析其对患者心理健康影响。 二、看病人送什么花 hospitals.






hospitals. Among the various types of flowers, chrysanthemum is often avoided as it symbolizes "longing for death" in Chinese culture. In contrast, peonies are highly appreciated due to their symbolic meaning of prosperity and good fortune.


The act of gifting flowers to patients carries significant cultural implications. Flowers serve as a non-verbal form of communication that conveys empathy and care from the giver to the receiver. The choice of specific flowers also reflects the giver's intention and relationship with the patient.


Studies have shown that exposure to nature, including plants and flowers, can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress levels, anxiety, and depression. The aesthetic appeal of flowers can also evoke feelings of joy and happiness among patients.

五、案例分析:具体 hospitalized settings.

For instance, in China's traditional medicine practice, certain herbs like ginseng are believed to possess healing properties not only for physical ailments but also for emotional well-being.


In conclusion, choosing appropriate flowers when visiting patients is more than just a thoughtful gesture; it reflects cultural values and plays an important role in promoting psychological well-being within hospital environments. Healthcare providers should consider incorporating flower-giving practices into their patient care strategies while ensuring they align with local customs and beliefs.


Future research could explore how different floral arrangements influence patient outcomes or investigate whether there are any correlations between flower preferences across diverse cultural backgrounds. Additionally, studies examining the potential therapeutic benefits derived from engaging in activities related to flower cultivation or arrangement might provide valuable insights into improving mental health support systems within healthcare facilities.


As we continue our exploration into this fascinating field where culture meets psychology through flower giving practices at hospitals,we acknowledge that such efforts hold immense potential for enhancing both interpersonal connections between medical professionals,patients,and families as well as fostering an atmosphere conducive towards healing recovery processes altogether.

By delving deeper into these intricate aspects surrounding horticultural expressions during times spent within hospital walls,our understanding grows stronger about how seemingly simple gestures may indeed bear profound consequences on overall wellbeing experiences.