
  • 花语资讯
  • 2024年11月27日
  • 1月17日生日花:银莲花,银莲花代表着孤傲与独立;在中世纪的天主教修道院中,这种植物因其坚韧不拔的特性而被选为祭祀圣安特尼的象征。圣安特尼是修道院生活之父,他对隐居生活和简单自给自足有着深刻的理解。银莲花是一种多年生草本植物,以其结实和顽强生长赢得了人们赞赏。 1月17日生日花-银莲花,等待着你去发现它独有的魅力。silver lily, silver lily symbolizes the



1月17日生日花-银莲花,等待着你去发现它独有的魅力。silver lily, silver lily symbolizes the beauty of solitude and independence. In the medieval monasteries of Southern Europe, where it thrived in olive groves and other landscapes, this plant was chosen to honor St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things and a symbol of contemplation.

The Greek name for silver lily is "anemos," meaning "wind." This low-growing perennial reaches heights between 10-20 centimeters (4-8 inches), with delicate flowers that sway gently in the breeze like a lover's whisper. Its message is one of expectation, longing for something beautiful yet elusive - much like those born under its auspices: romantic dreamers who yearn for more than reality can offer.