
  • 花语资讯
  • 2024年12月15日
  • 银芽柳(Salix leucopi thecia),亦称猫柳、银柳、棉花柳,属于杨柳科、柳属落叶灌木,其特点是枝丛生,高2至3米,枝条绿褐色,具红晕。冬季后脱去红色的芽鳞,便呈现出银白色有着柔顺细毛的花芽,一串一串的好看又耐久!早春时节,它们那紫红色的枝头就会萌发出毛绒绒、形似毛笔头的花芽,其色洁白,素雅清新,是优良的早春观赏植物。 到了夏季,这些植物则绿叶婆娑,潇洒自然。它们适合种植于池畔


银芽柳(Salix leucopi thecia),亦称猫柳、银柳、棉花柳,属于杨柳科、柳属落叶灌木,其特点是枝丛生,高2至3米,枝条绿褐色,具红晕。冬季后脱去红色的芽鳞,便呈现出银白色有着柔顺细毛的花芽,一串一串的好看又耐久!早春时节,它们那紫红色的枝头就会萌发出毛绒绒、形似毛笔头的花芽,其色洁白,素雅清新,是优良的早春观赏植物。




silver catkins, also known as silver willow or cotton willow, belongs to the Salicaceae family and is a deciduous shrub. Its main characteristics are that it grows in clusters, reaching 2-3 meters in height, with green-brown branches that have red tints. In winter after shedding its red bud scales, it displays white flowers with soft hairs that are 15-20 cm long and one string of them can be seen for months.

In early spring, when the leaves emerge from their buds on these plants, they turn a bright green color and begin to grow rapidly. The plant's growth rate slows down during the summer months but speeds up again in autumn before dying back over winter.

Silver willows prefer moist soil and partial shade to full sun exposure depending on your location. They can tolerate some drought but perform best when well-watered.

These plants make great ornamental features for gardens or parks due to their beautiful foliage and attractive catkins. They're also popular for use as cut flowers because they retain their shape well after being picked.

The silver catkin has several uses: it can be used fresh or dried; it can be used whole or broken into smaller pieces; it can be used alone or mixed with other flowers; and it can even be dyed different colors like red, blue, green etc., which adds more fun ways to decorate your home using this flower!