
  • 花语资讯
  • 2025年02月07日
  • 大花麦瓶草的种植技巧 多年生草本,数枚花萼自茎基抽出,不分枝,高达90Cm。叶多基生,匙状披针形,质薄,全缘,长10-13Cm;茎生叶矩圆状披针形或椭圆状披针形。总状花序,紧密,花径1.5cm,深粉红色,花期5—6月。蒴果,种子多数,8-9月成熟。 大花麦瓶草的栽培要求 大花麦瓶草喜温暖凉爽气候,与阳光充足相适应,但亦能耐半阴;忌炎热及湿涝;不挑土壤,以肥沃、排水良好的土壤为最佳。


大花麦瓶草的种植技巧 多年生草本,数枚花萼自茎基抽出,不分枝,高达90Cm。叶多基生,匙状披针形,质薄,全缘,长10-13Cm;茎生叶矩圆状披针形或椭圆状披针形。总状花序,紧密,花径1.5cm,深粉红色,花期5—6月。蒴果,种子多数,8-9月成熟。

大花麦瓶草的栽培要求 大花麦瓶草喜温暖凉爽气候,与阳光充足相适应,但亦能耐半阴;忌炎热及湿涝;不挑土壤,以肥沃、排水良好的土壤为最佳。

大花麦瓶草的繁殖方法 播种和分株两种方式均可进行。春季或秋季播种,每年的初夏时节可以看到它开满了粉色的美丽小花。

大花麦瓶草的品种分类 分享500余个品种,大部分分布在欧洲和亚洲,其中包括一、二年生的多肉植物。大雪轮、密 花麦瓶草、蝇子草、高雪轮等是常见栽培品种,它们以其独特的外观和颜色,为园林设计增添了无限魅力。

大flower Silene's Cultivation Techniques This perennial herb has multiple flower stalks that grow from the base of the stem, reaching up to 90 cm in height. The leaves are basal and have an obovate shape with a pointed tip, measuring 10-13 cm long and 1.8 cm wide. The inflorescence is a tight cluster of flowers, each about 1.5 cm in diameter, with a deep pink color that blooms from May to June.

The ideal growing conditions for bigflower Silene include warm temperatures and moderate humidity, full sun to partial shade, and well-draining soil that is rich in nutrients.

There are two methods for propagating bigflower Silene: sowing seeds or dividing established plants. Sow seeds in spring or autumn; after one year of growth, the seedlings will produce plenty of basal leaves before flowering profusely the following year.

Bigflower Silene comes in over 500 varieties distributed mainly across Europe and Asia, including both annuals and perennials like Sweet William (Sylvia armeria), Compact Flower (Sylvia compacta), Fortune's Catchfly (Sylvia fortunei), Sea Catchfly (Sylvia maritima), Drooping Silene (Sylvia pendula)