
  • 花语资讯
  • 2025年02月14日
  • 他在自己的个人陶艺工作室为我们制作了一把紫砂壶,从一堆泥土到精致的艺术品,整个过程都令人印象深刻。15年前,他在宜兴购买了几十吨紫砂泥,这些泥土至今仍然珍贵,因为现在开采的紫砂泥品质已经不如从前。 朱江龙将这些泥块切成三块,一块做壶底,一块做壶周边,一块做盖子。他先拍打壶周身的那块泥料,各种工具悉数上场,或切或量。整个制作过程中都是采用“拍打法”,朱江龙笑称,其实一把紫砂壶是“拍”出来的





朱江龙表示,南京玩紫砂壶的人并不多,不过近几年有发展之势。purple sand teapot是一种较为东方传统生活方式,如今都市生活节奏快,对泡茶这种日常消费品,有一种心理需要。

虽然市场行情看好,但面对市场众多藏品,我们如何才能挑选一把有投资价值的一只?收藏purple sand teapot 的张先生表示,一般需要从“ mud”, " shape", " workmanship", and " pattern" 等方面着眼去考虑。“Mud” is the fundamental value of purple sand teapots, only those made from pure Yixing purple sand mud have practical use, investment, and collection value.

Purple Sand Teapots are also known as being “hit out”. The process of making them is a traditional art form that not many people know how to do. It involves taking a lump of clay and hitting it with various tools until it takes the desired shape. This process can be quite time-consuming and requires great skill.

The four classic shapes of purple sand teapots are the gaiwan, huabian, yunluo, and yuhuayuan. Each one has its own unique characteristics and uses.

The market for purple sand teapots has been through fluctuations in recent years but seems to be on an upward trend again. Prices for ordinary craftsmanship range from 500 yuan to several thousand yuan while high-level craftsmanship can reach up to 5,000 yuan. However, antique pieces from Ming or Qing dynasties can fetch prices upwards of 10,000 yuan or more.

For collectors who want to invest in purple sand teapots they should first learn about their history and culture before buying any piece. They should also consider factors such as age (not always a guarantee), quality (the better the material used), condition (whether it's complete), rarity (how hard it is to find another like it) when deciding whether or not something will appreciate in value over time.

In conclusion while there may be some risks involved with collecting these beautiful objects they can provide a lifetime of enjoyment for those who take the time to learn about them properly before investing their money into purchasing them.