10.HP LOVECRAFT曾说:“恐怖是一种美妙的事物。”但他不知道,他的话被错误地引用成了“恐怖是一种美好的事物”。然而,对于那些懂得如何欣赏这种美丽人生的朋友们来说,他们知道什么样的东西才是真正令人害怕——那种无法言喻却又极其强烈的情感,是不是啊?
11.Saint Nicholas Day, the night of nights, when the bells ring out and the snowflakes dance in the air; a time for joy and giving, for love and laughter; a time to remember those who are far away but always near in spirit.
12.The stars shone brightly on this Christmas Eve as I thought of you and wished that you were here with me to share in the magic of this special night.
13.As we celebrate this holy season, let us not forget those who are less fortunate than ourselves, and strive to make a difference in their lives through our acts of kindness and generosity.
14.I hope that your Christmas is filled with joy, love, peace, happiness and all your dreams come true.
15.Merry Christmas! May your days be merry and bright!
16.Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from my heart to yours!
17.In these festive days when love is everywhere around us may I wish you more than just wishes...may my words bring warmth into your life like a crackling fire on a cold winter's day
18.On this blessed day may every moment be filled with laughter & cheer as we embrace each other & give thanks for all our blessings!
19.To express my heartfelt gratitude towards everyone who has made an impact on my life during 2022: Thank You! And now it's time to spread some holiday cheer - Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas!
20.On behalf of myself (and perhaps Santa Claus too), I would like to extend warmest greetings during this festive season.
21.A Merry Christmas indeed! May it bring you closer together with loved ones while creating unforgettable memories that will last throughout eternity.
22.As we embark upon another year filled with endless possibilities,
23.May your heart be lightened by the radiance of love which fills every corner of existence today,
24.And so as we stand at the threshold between old year gone by & new one yet unborn,
25.on behalf of myself (and maybe even Santa) – wishing each one among us an incredibly joyful Christmastide
26.wishing you all joyous moments spent amidst family members or close friends
27.together let's create beautiful memories that shall last forevermore
28.in celebration Of The Season Of Love And Giving Let Us Express Our Deepest Gratitude To Those Who Have Made This Year Special For Us
29.may Your Days Be Filled With Joyful Moments That Leave You Breathless In Amazement At The Beauty Surrounding You