
  • 花语资讯
  • 2025年03月09日
  • 作品名称:水袖6 作品分类:设计 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:45cm×40cm 作品描述 袖若流水清弘,裙如荧光飞舞。本设计抽象了泽雅外水良村的住宅和文化以及自然地貌的特点,以水袖为设计想法,通过表达水袖在舞蹈中的“扬”袖和“绕”袖二个动作,将泽雅外水良村的钟山灵秀通过写意的手法表达出来。本设计有两个重要特点。一是设计试图结合现代乡村生活的探讨,对民宿社区的入口停车场







袖若流水清弘,裙如荧光飞舞。本设计抽象了泽雅外水良村的住宅和文化以及自然地貌的特点,以水袖为设计想法,通过表达水袖在舞蹈中的“扬”袖和“绕”袖二个动作,将泽雅外水良村的钟山灵秀通过写意的手法表达出来。本设计有两个重要特点。一是设计试图结合现代乡村生活的探讨,对民宿社区的入口停车场、接待大堂及涉水廊桥进行设计,以水袖的概念作为外水良民宿社区的门面,为来客展示纸山文化外柔内刚的文化内涵,同时也解决老人的上下梯田的行动问题,让设计更加人性化。二是利用虚拟现实技术,将具有当地特色的竹文化和造纸文化,贯穿在整个设计中,打造一个虚拟的竹博物馆,还原泽雅外水良村的千年纸山文化。通过这样的设计,一方面民宿建筑本身的地方特色和高科技的运用,能够为消费者带来新鲜感和趣味,让消费者能更深入的了解泽雅文化,另一方面,民宿外部空间设计也将更有利于让消费者贴近自然,感受乡村生活。我相信这也是未来的设计的趋势,将传统文化和高科技结合,给消费者带来更特别的体验。让我们不再局限于在真实的世界设计和创造,二而是在虚拟的世界创造出更精彩的作品,给消费者带来更真实,更震撼的感受。Design Description: Sleeves flows through streams, while flare sways like waves. This piece of design abstracts from the residential culture and geographical features of Zeya mountainous area, Zhejiang. More specifically, along with its title, this work represents “throw” and “circle” movements of the techniques of flowing sleeves, in order to image the spiritualism of this particular area.There are two main aspects over all the considerations. Firstly, the building in question is the entrance parking lot and reception hall of the BB community of Waishuiliang Village. It shall impress the guest with its culture signature: the crossing Yin-Yang in its papermaking craft. And surely it has to be a part of the transportation through the water. The other aspect is virtual reality technology. I aim to set up a virtual museum of bamboo, which is another major element of the geographic and the local papermaking craft, to restore the vividness of the millennium culture in this area. In particular, I want to present the whole papermaking procedure, starting with its very raw-material, bamboos. From above aspects, I am able to bring about the first glimpse of the culture, and a fresh breath from the hill as well.This is future.


老师评语:作为人文与自然和谐这一社会主旋律的载体形式,通过曲艺水袖舞姿与基地溪水气韵的融合,运用在本项目民宿公共空间改造的设计逻辑中,充分体现了中国文化在自然生态环境中所蕴含的天时地利与意创念想的各种可能。在村口具有标识性的地理位置中,在车水马龙旁的公共停车场上,建立一座横连左右出入民宿社区,纵贯人车分流、老人上下,便利生活与郊游的交通区纽,以灵动飘逸的水袖主题舞起了一幅一衣代水似的立体山水画卷。Instructor’s comment: This work is an excellent combination of humanism and rationalism. It has mediated multiple aspects, such as the harmony of human and environment, the performance of flowing sleeves, the papermaking craft in local culture, and the transportation relation within the entire community, and it has done it quite successfully. It is a presentation of the Chinese culture applying in various contexts.The building stands as the entrance of the village, next to the heavy-traffic parking lot, passed across the creek. It links the inner and outer space, the lower and upper space, splits the cars and pedestrians, helps the inconvenient. It is a practical traffic hub, yet presented with a three-dimensional Chinese landscape painting.

刘亚琪,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 建筑艺术设计学院