
  • 送花艺术
  • 2025年01月13日
  • 传统插花艺术,源远流长,自西周至春秋战国时期便开始萌芽,历经汉代、南北朝、隋唐、宋代、元明、清代等多个历史阶段发展。它在隋唐时期达到鼎盛,并影响了日本花道的形成。随后,它经历宋理念花、元心象花、明文人花和清写景花等多种风格的演变,在清末逐渐衰落,但在20世纪80年代后重新得到复兴。 2007年,被列为北京市级非物质文化遗产;2008年,更被国家级非物质文化遗产认定。这一丰富而独特的艺术形式





中国传统插花艺术以简约自然之美著称,其四要素——自然美、中线条美、中整体美及意境美—are all embodied in the art form. The artist must first respect the natural beauty of each leaf and branch, then create a sense of harmony through balanced composition. The line or shape of the plant is either straight or curved, creating a unique emotional tone. Finally, the artist aims to achieve an overall balance that seems as if it were created by nature itself.

In essence, traditional Chinese flower arrangement embodies four key elements: natural beauty, lineal beauty, holistic beauty and aesthetic appeal. It respects the inherent qualities of materials and creates harmonious compositions that reflect both human creativity and connection with nature.

The rich history and cultural heritage behind traditional Chinese flower arrangement are evident in its unique aesthetic sensibilities which embody China's philosophical ideals and humanistic values.