
  • 送花艺术
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 1.人一辈子,你得信这一条:留得住的不需用力,留不住的不需费力。来去随缘,强求不得。晚安! 2.人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。晚安! 3.知不知道你的一句晚安,对一个人有多重要。 4.什么都没做就说喜欢我,空手套白狼这种好事轮不到你。晚安。 5.爱是傻,爱是护短,爱是互道晚安,爱是不管什么时候你都在。晚安! 6.time是一只藏在黑暗中的温柔的手







6.time是一只藏在黑暗中的温柔的手,在你一出神一恍惚之间物走星移。late night.

7.no matter how many hardships you've experienced, there's always someone who appears and makes you forgive the heavens for all their troubles to you, late night.

8.don't let unpassable obstacles weigh on your mind, forget about people who are hard to get over, new beginnings wish from now on's you don't love too much and don't sleep too late. late night.

9.to my beloved goodnight even though i know you'll never hear it.

10.you can endure but not without limits; when others trespass upon your limits, learn to strike back, late night.

11.many people don't need a goodbye because they're just passing through; forgetting is the best memory we give each other. late night!

12.wish your skin armor had warmth; be fierce yet polite, late night!

13.for the future you want to create for yourself,you must believe that after enduring this difficult time everything will get better so hold onto hope with all your might! Late Night

14.talking about love is really troublesome...so...from now on just bother me! Wish You Good Dreams

15.learn to be like cotton - soft and warm enough for others to rely on against cold winds or as bright as sunshine in their lives.Late Night

16.when tired hug yourself,cry while comforting yourself,beside me there is always someone caring for and pampering you - learn self-love.Late Night

17.i want an affection that spoils,prefers,favors above all else only those feelings make me feel truly loved.Late Night

18.if i could turn back time,i would choose not knowing you.it's not regret,it's facing a future without u.Late Night

19.the greatest tragedy of humanity is having free thoughts but lacking courage to break free from restraints.late night!

20.as long as the direction is correct no matter how tough the road ahead may seem walking towards happiness beats standing still anytime.LATE NIGHT

21.gazing at clouds rolling by ,going wherever life takes us ,watching flowers bloom & wither ,life full of wind & rain stay calm within .LATE NIGHT