
  • 送花艺术
  • 2025年02月22日
  • 在我国,龙窑的历史悠久,其应用遍及明代以前南方主要产瓷省份,如江苏、浙江、福建、广东、江西和湖南等地。龙窑之所以得名,是因为其结构多倾斜于山坡或土堆上,与地平线形成10至20度的角度,外观酷似龙,因此被称为“龙窑”或“横焰窑”。这类陶瓷生产设施通常拥有50至150立方米的容积,长30至80米,宽1.5至2.5米,高1.6至2米。在沿着窑道两侧分布有若干投柴孔或出入点供燃料松柴使用



dragon kiln, with its history dating back to the Ming dynasty in China, was widely adopted in major ceramic-producing regions such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi and Hunan before that time. The name "dragon kiln" comes from the fact that these structures are often built on slopes or mounds of earth at an angle of 10-20 degrees relative to the horizon, resembling a dragon's shape.

The typical dimensions of a dragon kiln include a volume ranging from 50 to 150 cubic meters; lengths between 30 and 80 meters; widths varying between 1.5 and 2.5 meters; and heights ranging from 1.6 to several meters along the length of the kiln where there are multiple openings for loading fuel or entering/leaving points for workers.

In terms of design features, dragon kilns have low chimneys about one meter high and relatively narrow tunnels which result in significant temperature differences between upper and lower parts of the structure due to their orientation towards different sun angles throughout the day.

The advantages of this type include higher efficiency compared to other types like down draft kilns since they require less fuel per unit output resulting in shorter production cycles and larger quantities produced within each cycle while maintaining lower costs due to more efficient use resources during firing process but also has some disadvantages like increased labor intensity when loading materials into these large ovens as well as difficulty incorporating mechanized processes into their construction leading overall quality control issues related specifically problems associated with maintaining consistent temperatures across entire surface area within given timeframe required by specific product being fired inside these structures.

Another variation found mainly south china is called divided room dragons which can be considered early ancestors certain types modern tiered brick oven systems used today especially those developed countries outside Asia where space constraints limit size available building sites thus requiring smaller units capable producing comparable outputs while minimizing energy consumption through better insulation techniques applied during construction process itself rather than relying solely on traditional methods employed centuries ago.