
  • 送花艺术
  • 2025年03月18日
  • 作品名称:数学考试4 作品分类:设计 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:一系列四套 作品描述 灵感来源于理工科这个分类的群体。在多数人眼中提起理工科这个词的反应会感觉有点木讷,无趣。但是,世界上大多数的科学,人文,产品开发这些职能,都是理工科的人才担任的。他们往往只是忽略了外在形象的处理,造成了人们对理工科人群觉得呆板、无趣的印象。本次研究想打破理工科服饰原有的刻板印象,以数学公式为切入点







灵感来源于理工科这个分类的群体。在多数人眼中提起理工科这个词的反应会感觉有点木讷,无趣。但是,世界上大多数的科学,人文,产品开发这些职能,都是理工科的人才担任的。他们往往只是忽略了外在形象的处理,造成了人们对理工科人群觉得呆板、无趣的印象。本次研究想打破理工科服饰原有的刻板印象,以数学公式为切入点,结合新颖有趣的款式,打破“理工服饰”的常规,让理工科服饰变得生动有趣,不再乏味。Inspired by the science and technology group of this classification. The response to the word science and engineering in the eyes of most people feels a bit stiff and boring. However, most of the worlds science, humanities, product development of these functions, are the science and engineering talent. They often just ignore the external image of the deal, resulting in people on the science and engineering crowd feel dull, boring impression. This study would like to break the original stereotypes of science and technology clothing to the mathematical formula as the starting point, combined with novel and interesting style, to break the science and technology clothing, the routine, so science and technology clothing become lively and interesting, no longer boring.


导师评语:《数学考试》系列服装毕业设计作品,选题角度新颖,具有鲜明的流行文化特质,设计者以理工科人群作为切入点,运用服装艺术设计手法,描绘了他们极具创造力的内心世界。服装作品在娱乐了理工科人群的同时也带给大众新的视觉,具有较独特的视角。设计者学习态度端正,思路清晰,专业基本功扎实,服装作品中的版型、面料、印花工艺及饰品充满了设计者的创造力与想象力,并能合理的运用使之时尚化。 Math test series of clothing graduation design works, the topic of a new perspective, with distinctive characteristics of popular culture, designers to science and technology crowd as a starting point, the use of clothing art design techniques, depicting their highly creative inner world. Clothing works in the entertainment science and technology crowd at the same time also bring the public a new vision, with a more unique perspective. Designers learn attitude is correct, clear thinking, professional basic skills solid, clothing works in the version, fabric, printing technology and jewelry is full of designers of creativity and imagination, and can be rational use of fashion.

刘泽如,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 工业设计学院