二、紫砂壶开 壺之简易法
对于价格不高但泥土味并不强烈的普通紫砂 壹,则通常会采用简易开 壺 法来进行。这一方法也能够帮助我们判断是否被打过蜡、皮鞋油或者其中掺假了其他材料。
3.Flavor Enhancement and Preservation Method:
After the tea leaves have been allowed to steep for a certain period, use a small fire to bring the water back to a boil, then turn off the heat and let it sit for another 15 minutes before turning on the cold tap slowly, allowing the tea to cool down gradually while retaining its flavor.
This method can help preserve the taste of your tea while avoiding any potential health risks associated with using an unclean or contaminated teapot.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your new teapot is properly cleaned and prepared for use, minimizing any unpleasant flavors or odors that may arise from improper cleaning methods.
It's worth noting that some people choose not to add additional ingredients like bean curd or ginger during this process as they believe it will interfere with their ability to determine whether their teapot has been previously treated with wax or other substances by altering its natural properties in ways that make them harder to identify accurately through visual inspection alone without damaging them irreparably first hand prior knowledge about what makes things safe versus dangerous would be helpful here too since there might also exist hidden dangers within seemingly harmless objects when improperly handled which could lead users into believing something else was wrong instead if one were unaware of these possible pitfalls beforehand due diligence should always prevail especially when dealing with items meant solely for personal consumption purposes such as food & drink utensils especially given how easily contamination occurs even among seemingly clean ones because microscopic particles aren't visible until magnified under microscope so proper care must take place at all times no matter what kind equipment we are working around let alone tools designed specifically made just purely intended purpose only i.e., cooking pots pans bowls plates cups etcetera thus maintaining cleanliness throughout entire process matters most above everything else remember prevention better than cure!