
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年01月23日
  • 剑兰,别名为唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦,亦被称作十三太保,是一株多年生草本植物。它与其他几种花卉,如切花月季、康乃馨和扶郎花共同享誉“世界四大切花”。剑兰的品种繁多,色彩斑斓,香气袭人,不仅可用于制作精美的花篮、花束,还能在插花中展现出其独特的风韵,因此,它在插花界被尊称为“万能泰斗”。 Sword Lily, also known as Tatarian Lily or Globe Lily



Sword Lily, also known as Tatarian Lily or Globe Lily, is a perennial herb plant. It is one of the four major cut flowers in the world, along with Chrysanthemum, Carnation and Fuchsia. The variety of sword lily is abundant, and its colors are diverse. The fragrance of its flowers is pleasant and can be used to create beautiful bouquets or arrangements. Its adaptability to different ways of display makes it a popular choice for flower enthusiasts.

The botanical name for sword lily is Yucca gloriosa L., which belongs to the Asparagaceae family. This plant has been used in traditional medicine for centuries due to its medicinal properties. The rhizome of the sword lily contains saponins that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Sword lily originates from Africa's Cape region, the Mediterranean coastal areas and parts of Asia. It blooms from July to September and produces fruit between August and October.

It's worth noting that while sword lilies are not toxic when ingested by humans or animals in small amounts, they can cause irritation if their sap comes into contact with skin or mucous membranes.

This article provides an overview of sword lilies' history, uses, cultivation requirements and potential health benefits.

Sword Lilies - A Comprehensive Guide


Sword Lilies (Yucca gloriosa) are a type of flowering plant native to Africa's Cape region

and parts of Asia.

They belong to the Asparagaceae family.

These plants have been used in traditional medicine for centuries due to their medicinal properties.

The rhizome contains saponins that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Cultivation Requirements

Sword Lilies require full sun exposure.

They prefer well-drained soil but can tolerate drought conditions.

Water them sparingly during winter months.

Medicinal Uses

The rhizome has been used in traditional medicine for centuries due

to its medicinal properties.

It contains saponins that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Potential Health Benefits

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

The rhizome has anti-inflammatory properties which may help alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

2. Wound Healing Properties:

Traditional healers use sliced pieces from this plant on wounds as it promotes healing process efficiently without causing any complications.

3. Skin Conditions: