
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年01月23日
  • 剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其独特的美丽和实用性,被誉为“世界四大切花”。其品种繁多,色彩斑斓,花香浓郁,不仅可以作为鲜花篮或束,也适合瓶插。无论是直插、斜插还是长短插法,都能展现出剑兰的优雅风韵,因此它在插花艺术中被称作“万能泰斗”。 从生态习性来看,剑兰是一种喜光爱热的植物,但不耐过度寒冷和冻伤。夏季更喜欢凉爽的气候。在亚科鸢尾科中




sword-lily, also known as tang shuang pu or ban zhu lian, is a perennial herb with various names such as ten zheng jin and thirteen tai bao. it is one of the four major cut flowers in the world due to its unique beauty and practicality. there are many varieties of sword lily, with diverse colors and fragrances. they can be used in flower baskets, bouquets or vases for decoration. whether inserted vertically, obliquely or at different lengths, sword lilies always display their elegant charm.

ecologically speaking, sword lilies are sun-loving plants that cannot tolerate excessive coldness or frost damage. they prefer mild temperatures during summer months.

belonging to the iridaceae family within the subfamily iridoideae, this plant holds an important position among its peers.

medicinally speaking, the tubers of sword lilies have been found to possess certain healing properties which can be utilized for treating injuries caused by falls or blows and swellings resulting from infections like abscesses.

originating from southern africa's cape region along with parts of europe's mediterranean coastlines and western asia regions,

the blooming period for these flowers typically spans from july to september while fruiting occurs between august and october

and although not toxic in nature,

its very essence makes it a sought-after subject in floral arrangements

such is its allure that some experts hail it as 'the all-rounder' among ornamental flora