剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其丰富的品种和色彩被誉为“世界四大切花”。无论是直插、斜插还是长短插花,都能展现出剑兰的优雅风韵,因此它在插花界被称为“万能泰斗”。这种喜光且不耐寒冻的植物,适宜于夏季的凉爽气候,不适合过度炎热。 sword lily, also known as Tianshan Huadong or Yunchi, is a perennial herb native to Africa's Cape of Good Hope, the Mediterranean coastal regions and parts of Asia. Its medicinal value lies in its tubers which are used to treat injuries and abscesses. The blooming period for sword lilies is from July to September, while the fruiting period spans from August to October. It is non-toxic in nature.