
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年01月23日
  • 剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其独特的美丽和实用性,被誉为“世界四大切花”之一。它不仅品种繁多,颜色各异,而且香气迷人,常用于制作花篮、花束和瓶插等装饰品。无论是直插还是斜插,无论长短,都能展现出其优雅而自然的风韵,因此,有些专家将其称赞为插花领域中的“万能泰斗”。 Sword Lily, also known as Tianshanhua or


剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其独特的美丽和实用性,被誉为“世界四大切花”之一。它不仅品种繁多,颜色各异,而且香气迷人,常用于制作花篮、花束和瓶插等装饰品。无论是直插还是斜插,无论长短,都能展现出其优雅而自然的风韵,因此,有些专家将其称赞为插花领域中的“万能泰斗”。 Sword Lily, also known as Tianshanhua or Philodendron, is a perennial herb native to Africa and Asia. Its beautiful appearance and practical uses have made it one of the "Four Great Cut Flowers" in the world. With its various species and colors, sword lily emits a pleasant fragrance that is often used in floral arrangements such as bouquets, vases, and baskets. Whether inserted vertically or horizontally, whether long or short, sword lily consistently exhibits an elegance that has earned it the nickname "Universal Champion" among flower arrangers.

Ecological characteristics: Sword lilies prefer bright sunlight but are sensitive to cold temperatures. They thrive in cool summer weather but cannot tolerate extreme heat.

Classification: Sword lilies belong to the Iridaceae family.

Medical value: The rhizomes of these plants are used for medicinal purposes to treat injuries and abscesses.

Distribution: Originally from Africa's Cape region, Europe's Mediterranean coastlines, and Western Asia.

Flowering period: 7-9 months (summer) with fruiting occurring during August-October (late summer).

Toxicity: None mentioned.