Sword Lily, also known as Iris, is a perennial herb native to Africa and the Mediterranean region. It has been highly praised for its beautiful flowers and diverse varieties, earning it the title of "World's Four Major Cut Flowers." Whether in the cut flower market or in floral arrangement art, sword lily is an indispensable element. Its unique appearance not only wins praise but also due to its adaptability to various styles of arrangements, from straight insertion to oblique insertion and long or short insertion, it can showcase elegance and sophistication. Therefore, it is dubbed "The Ultimate Master" by some experts.
In terms of ecology, sword lily thrives under long days with plenty of light exposure but dislikes cold temperatures during winter months. The plant enjoys a cooler climate during summer seasons and cannot tolerate extreme heat.
Pharmacologically speaking, sword lily rhizomes are used medicinally for treating injuries such as sprains or swelling caused by trauma.
Sword Lily blooms between July and September while fruiting occurs between August and October.
It's worth noting that while this plant has potential medicinal uses based on traditional knowledge passed down through generations within specific cultural contexts - there may be unknown side effects when ingested so proper use should always follow advice from qualified medical professionals!