
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年01月23日
  • 剑兰,别名为唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦,十三太保,它以其多样的颜色和香气而闻名,被誉为“世界四大切花”之一。无论是作为鲜花月季、康乃馨或扶郎花的同伴,剑兰都能展现出不凡的风韵。它的品种繁多,不仅能够独立直插,也适合斜插和短插,都能体现出它在插花艺术中的独特魅力,因此有些专家称赞它是插花领域里的“万能泰斗”。 Sword Lily, also known as Tatarian Lily or


剑兰,别名为唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦,十三太保,它以其多样的颜色和香气而闻名,被誉为“世界四大切花”之一。无论是作为鲜花月季、康乃馨或扶郎花的同伴,剑兰都能展现出不凡的风韵。它的品种繁多,不仅能够独立直插,也适合斜插和短插,都能体现出它在插花艺术中的独特魅力,因此有些专家称赞它是插花领域里的“万能泰斗”。 Sword Lily, also known as Tatarian Lily or Bluebell, is a perennial herb that has been highly praised for its various colors and fragrance. It is one of the "Four Great Cut Flowers" in the world and can be paired with other flowers such as Chrysanthemum and Daffodil to create stunning arrangements. Its numerous varieties make it suitable for different types of floral displays, whether it's a bouquet or a vase arrangement. This versatility has earned Sword Lily the nickname "The Ultimate Flower" in the world of flower arranging.