
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 数据驱动:揭露花店内8大恶习,保护鲜花不受伤害 在鲜花从田间到消费者手中的整个过程中,种植、采后、交易、运输等环节都至关重要,但往往被忽视的一个环节是花店。鲜花在花店的处理和保养对于保持其新鲜度至关重要。如果不当操作,可能会导致各种问题。下面,我们将一一揭示这些常见的恶习,并提供相应的解决方案。 恶习一:外包装去除不及时 有些花店在接收到新鲜货物后,便匆忙地打开外包装,而没有进行适当的清理和整理












evil habit 5: deep water culture for flowers. Some florists are afraid that the flowers will dry out, so they use a deep water system to keep them moist. However, this method is not only unscientific but also harmful to the flowers. It increases the humidity in the room and promotes the growth of bacteria, causing branches to rot.

Evil Habit 6: Failure to clean or disinfect properly. When flower stems become rotten, it's important to remove and dispose of them immediately. Regular cleaning and disinfection of work surfaces, vases, buckets, gloves, etc., is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment for fresh cut flowers.

Evil Habit 7: Overwatering at flower heads. Some florists think that by constantly spraying water over the flower heads they can keep their blooms looking fresh and new all day long; however this practice has been proven ineffective in prolonging vase life as it may lead to fungal infections like gray mold which causes rapid decay of cut-flowers.

Evil Habit 8: Exposure to direct sunlight or cold air currents without proper care or maintenance during transportation from one location to another.

Flower Recommendations:

Eternal Promise - A bouquet consisting of 19 red roses + yellow birds with green wrapping paper and blue silk ribbons.

Encounter Romance - A bouquet featuring 19 champagne roses + yellow birds + sky stars wrapped in leather paper with coffee-colored ribbons.

True Love Sentiment - A bouquet containing 33 champagne roses + yellow birds + sky stars along with two teddy bears randomly selected from a set.

Inclination Encoded - A bouquet made up of an assortment of white lilies (33), pink peonies (15), pink tulips (15), purple irises (10), orange gerbera daisies (20).
