鲜花从花田到消费者手中,就是一场关于美丽的传递战。种植、采后、交易、运输……所有环节都关乎品质,但有一个环节却常被大家忽略,那就是———花店。一枝鲜花,从田间辗转到花店,眼看就要美美地见到小主了,却不经意间在花店遭受到伤害。下面让我们看看花店内哪些陋习会给鲜 花带来伤害吧!
正确的方法是,当接收到新的鲜 花时,一定要立即在阴凉处褪去外包装,让空气流通,加速新鲜度降低速度。
evil Habit 5: Deep Watering
Deep watering is a common practice in the floristry industry, but it can lead to root rot and other issues if not done properly. The roots of plants need oxygen to breathe, just like humans do. If the water level is too high, it can deprive the roots of this essential element.
To avoid these problems, make sure that your flowers have enough space for their roots to breathe and that you don't overwater them. Check on them regularly and remove any dead or wilted leaves to prevent bacterial growth.
Evil Habit 6: Not Disinfecting or Disinfecting Inadequately
Flower shops are breeding grounds for bacteria due to the constant handling of fresh flowers. It's crucial that all surfaces be disinfected regularly, especially after handling any potentially contaminated materials.
To avoid spreading disease among your plants, ensure that all tools and equipment are thoroughly cleaned before use. You should also disinfect your hands before touching any plant material.
Evil Habit 7: Spraying Too Much Water on Flowers
Some flower shops believe that spraying too much water on their flowers will keep them fresh longer than necessary. However, this practice actually increases the risk of mold formation within containers where flowers sit out at room temperature during transport from one place to another without proper cooling facilities being available nearby while waiting for customers' orders placed via phone call or text message through an app called "Flower Delivery" with no access control mechanisms implemented yet by either side involved parties who may later claim they never agreed upon such terms but still expect compensation under contract law principles applied here even though there was mutual consent given initially as part of agreement between both parties (i.e., you) agreeing not only about quantity but quality as well!