
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年03月09日
  • 作品名称:植境与瓦构件结合茶空间的设计初探1 作品分类:综合材质 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:2400×900cm 作品材质:综合材质 作品描述 从瓦这一细部出发,将茶空间产品化来思考整个茶空间的空间原型,由小及大,形成带有个人设计风格的品质核心,从而通过某些新旧的产品价值对接实现该茶空间在当下的运营与盈利。苔藓,它们趴在地上以极低的身段来感受倾听我们的生活








从瓦这一细部出发,将茶空间产品化来思考整个茶空间的空间原型,由小及大,形成带有个人设计风格的品质核心,从而通过某些新旧的产品价值对接实现该茶空间在当下的运营与盈利。苔藓,它们趴在地上以极低的身段来感受倾听我们的生活,其更能给我们带来一种安静宁静的场景氛围和更能表达一种内敛友好的态度。而且茶空间更应以干净素雅为自身最低的经营管理标准以及设计开发标准,从而带来一群该茶空间、该设计理念的特定拥护者。Detail it from this perspective, the transition to the tea space to think about the space of whole tea space prototype, and from small to big, the quality of the core personal design style, the product value by some of the old and new docking the tea in the present operation and profit space.Moss, they are on the ground at a low figure to feel to listen to our life, it can bring us a more quiet and peaceful scene atmosphere and can express a kind of inside collect more friendly attitude.And tea space should be for their own minimum standard of operation and management with clean simple but elegant and the standard of design and development, resulting in a group of the tea room, the design concept of specific advocates.


导师评语: 穆家炜同学的毕业设计选择瓦作为设计元素,应用于室内外空间,并非是偶然,瓦在中国建筑历史文化脉络中,其民族性、地域性、文化性,具有象征中国建筑文化的符号特征。将其化为一种文化象征设计元素,具有空间可识别性与设计说服力。通过系统的设计语言,用点、线、面的组织应用手法,新的构建方式使其从功能构件转化为符号化的空间原型,突显主题空间的韵味与意境。 该作品从选题、调研、设计和表达均有一定的创新。 MuJiaWei students graduation design selection of tile as design elements, used in indoor and outdoor space, is not accidental, tile in the context of Chinese architectural history and culture, the national, regional, cultural, symbolic symbols characteristics of Chinese architectural culture.It into a cultural symbol design elements, with space identification and design.Through system design language, with dots, lines, the organization application technique, a new way to build the artifacts from the function prototype into symbolic space, highlighting the theme space of lasting appeal and artistic conception. The work from the selected topic, research, design, and express all have certain innovation.

穆家炜,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 建筑艺术设计学院