
  • 主题送花
  • 2025年02月22日
  • 在我国,龙窑的历史悠久,其应用遍及明代以前南方主要产瓷省份,如江苏、浙江、福建、广东、江西和湖南等地。龙窑之所以得名,是因为其结构多倾斜于山坡或土堆上,与地平线形成10至20度的角度,外观酷似龙,因此被称为“龙窑”或“横焰窑”。这类陶瓷工艺具有较小的容积,大约在50至150立方米之间,长30至80米,不同宽度(1.5至2.5米)和高度(1.6至2米)。沿着窑体方向设置有若干投柴孔或出入点



dragon kiln, also known as a horizontal flame kiln, has several distinctive features. In comparison to the reverse-flame kiln, it boasts higher thermal efficiency and reduced fuel consumption per unit of output, resulting in shorter production cycles and increased yields at lower costs. However, this type of kiln also presents some drawbacks: the labor required for loading and unloading is intense, making mechanization or automation challenging; and due to poor insulation, the quality of finished products can be inconsistent.

Furthermore, there is another type of dragon kiln prevalent in southern China – the compartmentalized dragon kiln – which serves as a precursor to the later-discussed tiered-kiln design.