
  • 对象送花
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 1.你知道吗?在这人生旅途中,有些东西不用努力就能留住,有些则无需勉强便能放手。来去自如,强求终究是徒劳的。晚安! 2.每个人的一生,都隐藏着无法言说的秘密,未曾挽回的遗憾,触不可及的梦想,以及深藏于心的爱。在这个寂静之夜,我想对你说:晚安。 3.你是否知道,一句“晚安”给予一个人多么深刻的情感意义? 4.请不要轻易地说出喜欢我,因为这世上真的有空手套白狼的人。但愿你的心能够温柔地接受这一点







6.time is a gentle hand, hidden in the darkness, waiting for you to be distracted or lost in thought before it moves on with the stars and planets.

7.no matter how much suffering you have endured, there will always be someone who appears and makes you forgive the universe for all its hardships against you.

8.don't waste your time on things that can't pass; forget about people who are impossible to forget; may your future self not love too much and not sleep too late.

9.even though I know that you will never hear this, my dear "goodnight".

10.you can endure, but not endlessly; when someone crosses your bottom line, learn to fight back.

11.some people don't need goodbyes because they were only passing through each other's lives; forgetting is our best tribute to one another.

12.may you have a heart of warmth even in battle and remain polite despite being fierce.

13.believe in yourself and hold onto hope for the future - everything will get better with time. So keep moving forward with faith in yourself.

14.dealing with relationships is really troublesome... so from now on it's up to you!

15.learn to become like cotton: soft enough to protect others from cold winds or warm enough like sunshine for those around you - a true friend indeed at night as well as day...

16.when tired hug yourself gently, comfort yourself when crying - by your side must always be someone who cherishes and lovesyou unconditionally. Learn self-love today!

17.i want an affectionate kind of love that shows favoritism and gives me first priority only then do i feel truly loved

18.if i could turn back time i would choose not knowing you...not regretting but unable face what was meant without having had met

19.the most tragic part of humanity is having free thoughts yet lacking courage to break free from restraints

20.wherever life takes us no matter how rough it gets if we head towards something right anything becomes closer happiness