
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年01月23日
  • 剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其独特的美丽花朵和优雅的形态,被誉为插花领域中的“万能泰斗”。无论是直插、斜插还是长短插,都能展现出剑兰那不凡的风韵。它喜光照,忌寒冻,夏季则喜欢凉爽气候,不耐过度炎热。属于鸢尾科,其球茎可用于药用,主治跌打损伤及痈肿。 原产于非洲好望角、地中海沿岸和西亚地区。每年的7至9月便是剑兰盛开之时,而果实则在8至10月成熟




sword lily, also known as tian qiang pu, ban lan, pian zhu lian or shi yang jin shi san bao, is a perennial herb. it is renowned for its unique and elegant flowers and shapes in the field of flower arrangement. whether it's straight inserting, slanting inserting or long/short inserting, the charm of sword lily can be fully displayed.

sword lily loves sunlight but dislikes frost; in summer, it prefers cool weather and cannot tolerate extreme heat. It belongs to iridaceae family and its tuberous root has medicinal value for treating bruises and abscesses.

originating from south africa's cape of good hope area along with mediterranean coastal regions and western asia. the blooming period lasts from july to september while fruit ripens between august to october. though there is no explicit toxicity mentioned about this 'world four major cut flowers' member one should still exercise caution when handling them.

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