
  • 鲜花养护
  • 2025年01月23日
  • 剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其独特的美丽和耐用性,在插花界享有“万能泰斗”的美誉。作为世界四大切花之一,剑兰的品种繁多,色彩斑斓,其香气四溢,可用于制作精致的花篮、花束及瓶装插花,无论是直插、斜插还是长短插法,都能展现出其优雅而不凡的风采。 Sword Lily, also known as Tatarian bugbane or grass


剑兰,别名唐菖蒲、菖兰、扁竹莲或十样锦十三太保,是一种多年生草本植物,它以其独特的美丽和耐用性,在插花界享有“万能泰斗”的美誉。作为世界四大切花之一,剑兰的品种繁多,色彩斑斓,其香气四溢,可用于制作精致的花篮、花束及瓶装插花,无论是直插、斜插还是长短插法,都能展现出其优雅而不凡的风采。 Sword Lily, also known as Tatarian bugbane or grass lily, is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its unique beauty and durability have earned it the nickname "the versatile champion" in the world of floral arrangements. As one of the four major cut flowers, sword lily boasts a diverse array of varieties and colors, with its fragrant blooms used to create exquisite bouquets and floral arrangements. Whether planted straight into soil or displayed in a vase, this versatile flower shines equally well in all types of installations - straight, slanted or long-stemmed.