有些花店在鲜花到货后,只是简单地将花材拿出箱子、堆放在地上就不管了,还有些 花店直接将花材放在货架上,要用的时候才打开包装,这种习惯对于鲜 flower 无疑是一种摧残。
正确的方法是:鲜 flower 到店后,一定要立即在阴凉处褪去外包装,增加空气的流动性,让 fresh air 可以更好地吸入。
把刚到的 flower 直接插入水中可就大错特错了!flower 经过长时间的运输,已经口渴到极点,茎杆基部更是已经充满了气泡和细菌。此时如果不剪枝就直接插水中,或许剪枝但修剪长度不够,以至于空气会顺着导管进入到茎杆的深处,最终停留在最柔嫩的茎部下方阻碍水分正常运输,从而导致fresh flowers垂头枯萎。
很多flower shop往往并不注重或只轻微去除脚叶或烂叶,而不是彻底清理。这可能导致容器内细菌滋生堵塞茎杆输水导管影响fresh flowers品相和存活期。而且,将整个leaf 剔光也是不可取的,这样会加速fresh flowers 的枯萎。
有的flower shop室内通风较差,室内空气湿度较高,这样的环境容易滋生大量细菌,使得fresh flowers易感染病害尤其是灰霉病。可能当你看到几朵看似无害的小点点,但是它们很快就会导致整枝flowers变腐烂。
很多shop怕fresh flowers脱水,就采取深water养flowers 方法,不管什么品种都超过30厘米。但实际上这没有科学依据相反深water 会增加室内湿度容易滋生细菌,加速branches腐烂。对flowers 的养护还需根据different species,因材制宜一般情况下玫瑰20厘米左右百合15厘米左右康乃馨5厘米左右ZUI好经常添加洁净保好的watering system.
evil habit six: failure to disinfect or insufficient disinfection force
shops with many flowers will inevitably have some rotten ones. These rotten parts are breeding grounds for bacteria that can spread rapidly through the air, water, vases, gloves and other items in the store. So when a flower starts to rot, it should be removed immediately and cleaned thoroughly. It's also important to regularly disinfect all equipment such as work surfaces, vases, buckets and gloves. Special attention should be paid to cold storage units and refrigerators because their closed environment makes them more conducive to bacterial growth which is detrimental to the quality of the fresh cut blooms.
evil habit seven: spraying water on the stem tip
some shops spray a lot of water on the stem tip of fresh-cut blooms in order to keep them looking fresh but this practice is particularly dangerous during periods when grey mould is likely to develop. This method also shortens the vase life of freshly cut stems by reducing transpiration rates.
evil habit eight: exposing blooms too much sun or cold wind
some shops expose their freshly cut blooms directly under sunlight especially in winter which accelerates blooming at high temperatures not good for maintaining freshness while others blow direct cold air from an air conditioner onto these delicate plants leading them easily dry out thus both methods are not beneficial for preserving bouquet life duration.
In conclusion , these bad habits can cause significant damage if not avoided . By being aware of these practices , you can make sure your floral business runs smoothly . If you're considering opening your own floristry shop don't forget about our top-quality wholesale supplies we offer competitive prices combined with excellent customer service so you'll always feel supported throughout your journey into this beautiful industry!